Головна/First visit to the UCT
First visit to the UCT

First visit to the UCT

If you have already chosen our Center for diagnostics, refinement or confirmation of the diagnosis, or if you are ready for treatment, we shall provide you all necessary information, so as to derive maximum benefit from your first visit to us.

We are engaged with diagnostics and treatment of both adults and children. For your comfort we made the first remote consultation FREE.

You can arrange with medical administrators the time of your visit to our Center in any way convenient for you:

By phone:

0 (800) 30-15-03 (calls from fixed line and mobile phones within Ukraine are free of charge)

You can also send us an e-mail at the address:  info@tomocenter.com.ua

Ask a question

In order to most effectively schedule your first visit, please prepare the following information and medical documentation:

  1. Diagnosis.
  2. Results of all analyses and studies including those indicating the presence of concomitant diseases.
  3. Name and contact details of your attending doctor, if you wish that we communicate with him or her regularly (not obligatory).

At the page “Consultation”  you will find an illustrative list of questions to the doctor that we recommend you to prepare in advance, prior to your visit.

Please, consider the following information so that we may help you to reach us comfortably:

  • How are you going to reach the Center? Our administrator will advise you on the transport arrangements and propose assistance in organizing a transfer to/from the Center by car.
  •  Who will accompany you? You may invite to the first consultation as well as to all follow-up visits, a family member, a close friend or your attending doctor.

The initial consultation can last over one hour. Perhaps we shall offer you to undergo an additional examination on the same day or the subsequent day. Please take this into account when planning your visit.

For the first visit you will need, apart from medical documentation, the identity documents: passport and personal identification number.

Please be assured that the entire team of the UCT is working at the organization of your effective and comfortable visit.

What is needed to receive services at TomoClinic?

Use the convenient registration form for the selected service.

Have a referral from a family doctor or attending physician.

Відповідати віковим вимогам, які встановлені Програмою державних медичних гарантій.

First visit to the UCT
глав 1

Make an appointment

Welcome to the clinic where the magic of the full medical cycle takes place, where the doctors are professionals.

    запис кроп

    Our advantages!

    Welcome to the clinic where the magic of the full medical cycle takes place, where the doctors are professionals.

    • 1

      A complete cycle of treatment in one place

      Tomoclinic is ahead of modern standards of treatment, applying leading techniques in the fight against oncological diseases. Our clinic provides a full cycle of services. You can get any service - from a single consultation to complex treatment in one place.

    • 2

      A comprehensive approach to cancer treatment

      At TomoClinic, decisions on treatment tactics are made by a council of specialists - a multidisciplinary commission, which includes doctors of various profiles. This approach meets world standards. Members of such a treatment group agree on an individual treatment plan, which may include irradiation of the tumor, chemotherapy treatment and surgery. As a result, each patient receives an effective treatment that hits the tumor exactly on target and is gentle on healthy tissues. In this way, we preserve the quality of human life.

    • 3

      High diagnostic accuracy

      We diagnose tumors of any size, complexity, shape and localization. The experience of our specialists, modern equipment and cooperation with the best pathomorphological laboratories guarantee high diagnostic accuracy.

    • 4

      Unique equipment for Ukraine

      TomoClinic has the best equipment from the world's leading manufacturers. We do not accept compromises in the fight against cancer.

    • 5

      TomoTherapy® HD is a revolutionary method of radiation therapy

      The Tomotherapy system, which is unique to Ukraine, allows to irradiate tumors of complex shapes and large sizes, as well as metastases, and at the same time maximally protects healthy organs and tissues. Such radiotherapy, destroying the tumor, preserves a person's high quality of life - the patient can live as fully as he did before the disease.

    • 6

      Objective assessment of the patient's condition

      У TomoClinic можна провести найбільш точну оцінку ефективності променевої терапії або хіміотерапії за допомогою МРТ-дослідження. Ми будемо раді дати об’єктивну оцінку стану пацієнта нашого центру або інших клінік під час або після проведеного лікування.

    You can make an appointment for free Just fill out the form and we will call you

      Sign up for a consultation
      Sign up for a consultation
      глав 1

      Do you have any questions?

      Ask your question and we will answer it in the near future

        запис кроп

        • Full cycle

          Tomoclinic is ahead of modern standards of treatment, applying leading techniques in the fight against oncological diseases. Our clinic provides a full cycle of services. You can get any service - from a single consultation to complex treatment in one place.

        • Care and support

          In an effort to be the best in the market of medical services, we have created a service that meets the highest requirements. We guarantee a friendly and caring attitude to each patient, an atmosphere of warmth and support. Tomoclinic offers psychological assistance to patients and their families.

        More details
        •  Хто ми такі - Додатковий абзац - ПершийЗаголовок
        •  Хто ми такі - Додатковий абзац - ПершийЗаголовок
        •  Хто ми такі - Додатковий абзац - ПершийЗаголовок
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